Yoanna’s Perfectly Curated List of New Year Intentions
It's the list you never knew you needed! You're welcome.
Hi, babe. Welcome to Dr. Yo Says. I’m Yoanna, an OB-GYN from Washington Heights in NYC and the protagonist of Yoanna, the second book of the “Heights of Love” series. I’m honored to be here to share pro tips to elevate your life. So stick around for it, babe. Without further ado, here’s my perfectly curated list of New Year’s intentions. You’re welcome.
A new year is particularly special for yours truly. As a proud overachiever, I, Yoanna De Santos, utilize this energy to tackle my goals and check off my to-do lists. Goal setting is sexy, babe.
To know that I, a daughter of Dominican immigrants, opened my own private OB-GYN practice and purchased my condo and Bonita, my black Audi, without a man by the age of 30… well, the thought of what else I’ll accomplish turns me on.
I know, you’re not here for that. I’ll leave that spicy talk to my bestie, Candi, on Candi Cane Corner. Today, I’m here to help you unleash your inner Yoanna by sharing my perfectly curated list of New Year's intentions. You can thank me later, babe.
Check yourself. This isn’t a reference to Ice Cube’s “Check Yourself.” This is about your vulva, vagina, and cervix. As an OB-GYN, the first thing on this perfectly curated list of intentions must be regarding women’s health. I took an oath, babe.
“By all that I hold highest, I promise my patients competence, integrity, candor, personal commitment to their best interest, compassion, and absolute discretion, and confidentiality within the law.”
Schedule an appointment to check your lady parts: symptoms or no symptoms. Make that appointment with your OB-GYN or for a mammogram even if you recently visited. Appointments can be made digitally years in advance. No excuses.
Get off social media. I’m not one to show off my fabulous life on Instagram. Although my selfie game is always a winner, I’m too busy making money, traveling, and taking care of my loved ones to obsess over a selfie. Now that Zuck’s monopoly pieces are showing, I have even less desire to lean to the right and invest my energy (and money) in what does not align.
If you’re feeling the same, take a social media hiatus. Delete Meta’s apps for a week. Take note of how you feel without social media and what replaces your former scrolling time. (And don’t replace it with TikTok.) Call a friend. Read a book. Watch a movie. Finally, make that doctor's appointment. (I will not let it go.) By the end of the week, the social media break may be so good for you that you might never log back in.
Make your home extra special. This new year, set an intention to perfectly curate a space in your home that is just for you. Redo your closet by adding shelving. Use plastic bins from The Container Store to store and protect your shoes. It’s a great way to see your footgear while maintaining an orderly closet.
Create a meditation or journaling corner in your bedroom.
Turn your bathroom into a mini spa with fabric curtains, a plush bath rug, and a classic and minimalist feather in a vase.
The tiniest of details will transform your home into luxury comfort.
Dare to do something different. This is coming from me: a meticulous, overachiever who thrives on order and once ran away from spontaneity. The thing about taking risks is that you learn about yourself. It is terrifying to go against the grain, but when you push past the clutches of the familiar and the fear of the unknown, you may find what I found on the other side: a zest for life, a passionate romance, and the newfound freedom you desperately craved.
Don’t wait any longer, babe. Add “do the thing” to your New Year's Intentions list. You know you want to. I wanted to. And I did. Come back and tell me all about it in the comments.
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On January 28th, Sujeiry Gonzalez’s Candi from the “Heights of Love” series and Kayla Love’s Brandy from the “Bliss Bay Romance” series are available for free on romancebooklovers.com. Plus, 998 other free books! Mark your calendars and grab our books free.